NP Outreach
Frequently Asked Questions
What People Are Asking
Q: How many participants generally attend an NP Outreach Lecture?
A: Depending upon the location, adequate pre-event publicity, and weather; presenters typically draw groups of 40 to 100 participants; however, when coupling presentations with group medical visits group size at individual sessions is more limited.
Q: How often are NP Presenters expected to present?
A: This varies depending upon your personal schedule. Most presenters average three times per year; however, bimonthly events are sometimes preferable for group medical visits.
Q: What if my schedule no longer allows me time to present?
A: NP Presenters are under no obligation to NP Outreach to continue presenting. You are only obligated to present at the events that you have scheduled for yourself in conjunction with your local community center.
Q: Why can’t RN’s be presenters?
A: During presentations participants frequently ask questions that can be addressed within the scope of Nurse Practitioner practice, but are beyond the level of Bachelor Level RN scope of practice.
Q: I’m a PA. Can I become a presenter?
A: Sorry, but NP Outreach was designed for and by NP’s to better help members of the public get to know Nurse Practitioners in their community. Part of our goal is to promote Nurse Practitioner visibility and practice development.
Q: Are you giving away prescription medical products or samples in those gift bags?
A: No. That is not permitted, nor would it be healthy or appropriate for a gift bag.